Jamaica Plain Real Estate

Haven or Heaven?
Written by William Brokhof on April 27th, 2011
The Haven Burger had me at, “Hello.”
The dictionary describes haven as –noun 1. a harbor or port. 2. any place of shelter and safety; refuge; asylum. I have been into Jason Waddleton’s restaurant at 2 Perkins Street in Jamaica Plain at least a dozens times now. I am a happy camper. The food is very good, and the value is fair. His Haven Burger is Heaven. It is to die for. Literally, I would gladly welcome death now that I have experienced the mouth-watering delight that is the Haven Burger.
What kind of a friend won’t share his Haven Burger?
I was recently at The Haven with my friend Riaz for an after-work beer and had the chicken salad sandwich and chips. It was very good, but I had to go through the agonizing pain of watching Riaz (in his very upright, gentlemanly sort of way) finish off a Haven Burger. I could smell the sweet aroma of the onion marmalade and the warm Huntsman cheese. What good is it to be healthy if you are beset with the purgative agony of watching your good friend demolish a Haven Burger? And while I’m thinking about it, what kind of friend would do that to you? I guess I should have been happy for him, right? I should have shared his sumptuous feast vicariously? Bullocks.
The Haven is an all-around good choice especially if you like deer antlers and skirts on men.
In all seriousness, I have given The Haven a good go and I say Blue Ribbon all the way. From The Full Scotch breakfast to deep fried Mars bar late night – you can’t go wrong. Jason has a great selection of beers as well.
I’m a big fan of the rough sawn wood and the darkish, antler adorned, not over stuffed space. It feels sort of homey at The Haven – I’m not sure about Kilt Night though…for more “Best Of” picks check out BJ Ray’s blog for his opinions on The Haven and other Jamaica Plain favs.
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