For the first time tonight (Tuesday 9.30pm) at The Haven we are featuring GROUP MUSE.
What is GROUPMUSE? – they have been intimate Classical music performances in houses around Boston. This has grown over the last 12 months into a nationally recognized movement (see THIS Slate piece from last week)….. but it was time to get it into a public space!
So tonight you have a chance to witness an incredible Classical performance by top notch Boston musicians performing Beatle songs, jazz numbers, a piece by Rossini, a piece by Bach, and a piece by Kodaly.
The vibe at a Groupmuse event is an air of respectful attentiveness during the musical performance! That can be translated as KEEP QUIET! But, for those chatterboxes who simply cannot help proclaiming that “I know this one” during a classical rendition of “Hey Jude” not to worry, they are a pretty tolerant bunch.
And- if you simply cannot help yourself, there is always the dining room at The Haven (away from the performance) where you can talk as loudly as you want about your hook up last night.
Double Bass, Cello and Singer.