Category Archives: Reviews

A few of the articles and vibes in the press that have appeared. We’ve only put the good ones in. Click on the headings for further reading.

The Weekly Dig: Beef and Ale Pie


Posted on September 21, 2010 by DIG STAFF Email


The Haven Beef and Ale Pie.

Pairing with beer? The hell with merely pairing! This crusted bicep of a meal redefines “Stout dinner,” braising heaping mounds of beef in the BeerAdvocate-approved Belhaven Scottish Ale. Less of a dining experience and more of a testosterone-fueled scavenger hunt, this final boss of pub food buries these brew-infused steak nuggets in a bed of only the worthiest vegetables—including locally grown cabbage, caramelized onions and kohlrabi greens. The garden without mercy lies under a magnificent canopy of a caraway-seed crust, defying you to summon the strength necessary to crack into its untold, artery-clogging riches. And to absolutely put the kibosh on any plans you may have had on standing up ever again, this culinary K2 is offered as a special with Belhaven on draft, creating a dining experience that is ultimately two-thirds brewed. [2 Perkins St., Jamaica Plain. 617.524.236. $17/pie. [[ |]]]